The ‘Open to All: Accessibility Audit’ programme supports museums to develop effective Access Plans.
Museum Development Midlands (MDM) is delighted to be offering opportunities for eight museums to receive accessibility audits and training to improve access for visitors. MDM have commissioned Direct Access to deliver this programme.
The Open to All: Accessibility Audit programme aims to support museums to develop effective Access Plans through a site visit, accessibility audit report and training. As a result of participating in the programme museums will better understand potential barriers and make informed plans to improve physical, sensory and intellectual access to their buildings and spaces.
Want to apply?
If you are interested in applying for the accessibility audit programme, please read the Guidance Notes, and complete the Expression of Interest. For an informal chat about the programme please email Michelle Davies.
Applications close: 12noon, Thursday 15 August
The programme sits within the Museum Development Midlands (MDM) Inclusivity and Relevance programme and supports Arts Council England’s Let’s Create strategy.
More Information

Applications close: 12noon, Thursday 12 August
What’s involved: Site visit, Accessibility Audit report and one training session with the programme cohort (two delegates per site).
Eligibility: This programme is open to museums in the Midlands which are Accredited (either Full or Provisional) or are formally Working Towards Accreditation (excluding NPO or Nationally Funded Museums).
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